Connecting People to God, and to One Another

This Sunday

February 23, 2025

10:00 AM


"More Like Jesus"

Proverbs 8:27-28

Rev. J. B. Kump






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Our Pastors

Dr. David W. Price
Lead (Senior) Pastor

Dr. Price has a Doctor of Philosophy in History from London Metropolitan University, (Great Britain). He also has a Masters Degree in Theology and Church History from Wheaton College Graduate School (Wheaton, Illinois), and a Bachelors Degree in Pastoral Studies from North Central University  (Minneapolis, Minnesota).

He is an ordained Assemblies of God minister. He co-planted a church in Minneapolis from 1979-1982. He was the Lead Pastor at First Assembly of God in Wheaton, Illinois from   1991 to 2011. Dr. Price also pastored churches in Minnesota from 1982-1989. 

Throughout three decades of ministry Dr. Price has had a passion for preaching, teaching, and world missions. He has done extensive missions’ work in Romania and South Africa. He has also been a guest  on both Christian radio and television.

Dr. Price serves as an adjunct professor for Eastern Florida State College (Cocoa), where he teaches American History.  He is also an adjunct professor at Southwestern Assemblies of God University in Waxahachie, Texas. He currently teaches online courses in Medieval History and Modern Europe.

He writes, produces, and records a weekly radio show called, Verse-by-Verse.  It airs on five radio stations: 

  • WPIO Radio 89.3 - Titusville.
  • WEJF Radio 90.3 - Melbourne, Palm Bay, Sebastian, Vierra
  • WEGS Radio 91.7 - Pensacola-MIlton
  • WKTO Radio 88.9 - Brevard, Volusia
  • KSKB Radio 99.1/99.7 - East Central Iowa

Dr. Price has recently published his first book, A World of Darkness: Cotton Mather's Cosmology and the 1692 Salem Witch Trials. It is available on

David and his wife, LuAnn have two adult children. Their son, Dominie, is retired from the United State’s Army Special Forces. Their daughter, Alexie, lives in New York City and is a gifted writer.



J. B. Kump
Minister of Small Groups and Visitation

J.B. KumpJ. B. Kump has joined the Church staff as Minister of Small Groups and Visitation. J. B. is originally from Kansas City, Missouri. He and his wife, Shirley moved here 25 years ago after he retired from the U.S. Air Force. J. B. just completed a year as Chairman of the Titusville Area Chamber of Commerce.  A former Congressional staffer and aerospace executive, J. B. helped organize and lead The Joseph Fund of North Brevard.

The Kumps reside in Willow Lakes. They have two adult children and three grandsons. He completed his ministry studies and was ordained in 2017.




Daniel A. Zahn
Minister of Visitation and Prayer

Dan ZahnDan was born in Washington, D.C. and spent most of his life in Virginia. He was a licensed architect and construction company executive prior to retiring in 2004.

Dan and his wife Rosalind moved to Florida in 2004 and became permanent residents of TGO. He was raised Lutheran, however, was baptized into the Baptist Church becoming a Deacon in 1983. He and Rosalind have been members of the Great Outdoors Community Church for 14 years. Dan was called by the Lord into ministerial service in 2015. After completing courses at Global University's Berean School of the Bible, he received his license in 2017.

Dan's duties include assisting Pastor David with visitation, leading Bible studies, prayer groups and substitute preaching.

Dan and Rosalind have two daughters and four grandchildren.