Connecting People to God, and to One Another

This Sunday

February 23, 2025

10:00 AM


"More Like Jesus"

Proverbs 8:27-28

Rev. J. B. Kump






Livestream On Sundays
10:00 AM on
Church Website
Sermon Audio Also Available
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This Week
Sun 02/23-10:00 A Worship, S, LS
Sun 02/23-11:00 A Fellowship Time
Thu 02/27-8:00 A Prayer (Zoom)
Thu 02/27-10:00 A Pastor's Bible Study, LS
Thu 02/27-11:00 A Pastor's Bible Study, FH
This Week
Time Zone:
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The Helping Hands Ministry

Helping Hands Logo

The Helping Hands Ministry was founded to provide services to people living in the Great Outdoors. It has several facets that include providing meals for those with temporary health issues, death in families who need support for a time. Transportation can be provided for those who can’t drive themselves for any reason to take them to do errands, doctor appointments, shopping, etc. Minor home repair can be  provided  for those unable to do it for themselves. There is a lending closet for those needing medical equipment or baby equipment for visiting familie. We can provide senior information for those needing to be hooked into services available in the county or just with questions or needing home caregiver help.

We are always looking for volunteers to help serve in any of these areas.  If you can help please call the appropriate person listed below.

If you know of anyone needing our services, please also call Roger Stairs or the coordinator of the service needed.

Revised: June 10, 2024

Home Repair (Handyman) John Turner 321-298-5883
Temporary Meals Heidi Turner 321-514-3719

Transportation Charlie Woods 847-609-1222
Lending Closets Roger Stairs 724-228-7758
Senior Resources Bev Houghton 810-919-1629
Respite Sitter Martha Dayson 321-268-1460

Questions? Contact: Roger Stairs

Senior Resources and Senior Sitters

Under construction


Kathy Pike will be working with Bev Houghton as part of the Senior Resources service to recruit and schedule respite sitters for caregivers. These sitters will sit with a person who cannot be left alone while the caregiver needs to be away. They are not medical people, but will call for help if there is an emergency. If you need this service or would like to volunteer to help sit please call Kathy Pike at 724-622-1001 or email her at She would love to hear from you.


Helping Hands - Transportation

In addition to providing or arranging transportation to doctors and other appointments, Helping Hands will be providing transportation every Tuesday at 10:00AM to Walmart for those who can't drive themselves or prefer not to. Please call Clariece Roberts at 321-267-7382 on Monday to reserve your spot.


The Helping Hands "Food Ministry"

Donate A Meal! You can make it or buy it and bring it! Key factors in meal planning for those requiring temporary meals are likes and dislikes along with any food allergies. The length of time for meal planning is generally two weeks but can differ according to the situation.

Meals can be prepared at home, purchased at the local grocery store deli, restaurant or pizza delivery.

We have twenty volunteer’s that include a combination of year-round and seasonal members. To date there have been three families served temporary meals.

If you would like to become a part of this Ministry or know of someone in need of our temporary meals available you may contact:

Linda Snyder 610-751-5919



The Helping Hands Lending Closet


Did you know Helping Hands Ministry has a lending closet? Actually it is a Virtual Lending Closet (items remain with their owners until they are needed). We have 2 categories of items; Medical and Children’s. Medical products are wheelchairs, walkers, canes, crutches, shower chairs, bedside commodes and other related items. Children’s things are strollers, high chairs, portable cribs, car seats and more. These articles are available for a temporary loan of 2 weeks or less. Borrowing an item is simple; call Jan Lundenberg at 763-221-1605 or Martha Dayson (Backup) 321-268-1460 and tell her the need, she will provide the name and phone number of a person that has the article requested. You then arrange to pick it up. All items should be cleaned before returning them. Many people in our community have used this lending closet with much success. It has enabled them to go on cruises, the church retreat, be more independent after surgery, try out medi-cal products and enjoy grandchildren’s visits. We are always looking for more items, if you have anything you are willing to lend please call Jan Lundenberg at 763-221-1605