Connecting People to God, and to One Another

This Sunday

February 9, 2025

10:00 AM


The Blessed Life:

"The Parameters of Generosity"

Lead Pastor David W. Price





Livestream On Sundays
10:00 AM on
Church Website
Sermon Audio Also Available
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This Week
Thu 02/06-8:00 A Prayer (Zoom)
Thu 02/06-10:00 A Pastor's Bible Study, LS
Thu 02/06-11:00 A Pastor's Bible Study, FH
Sun 02/09-10:00 A Worship, S, LS
Sun 02/09-11:00 A Fellowship Time
Thu 02/13-8:00 A Prayer (Zoom)
Thu 02/13-10:00 A Pastor's Bible Study, LS
Thu 02/13-11:00 A Pastor's Bible Study, FH
This Week
Time Zone:
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Samaritans in Action

The Great Outdoors Community Church Board has renamed our benevolence fund - now called Samaritans in Action (“SIA”) and reinvigorated with a recent, generous and anonymous contribution, the fund is now receiving requests for assistance and contributions of money for its continued work. The fund is responding with practical financial help to people in the church and others with pressing needs. The Samaritans In Action fund was inspired by the needs caused by the Coronavirus crisis. Checks in the form of a designated offering can be mailed to the church or deposited in the black metal box to the left of the exterior office door of the church. Please make checks payable to 'Great Outdoors Community Church' and indicate "Samaritans In Action' in the memo line at the bottom of the check.


FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) – 

The Samaritans In Action fund will be sustained by designated offerings, over and above the regular, weekly contributions from church members.  Checks in the form of a designated offering can be mailed to the church or deposited in the black metal box to the left of the exterior office door of the church. Please make checks payable to 'Great Outdoors Community Church' and indicate 'Samaritans In Action' in the memo line at the bottom of the check. Applicants to the fund should call the church office with their request.

Q1 – Who can apply to Samaritans In Action for help? How? How much?

A1 – The SIA benevolence fund is intended as a measure to provide limited financial help to members of the GOCC Church family, TGO employees and TGO residents, and others, as funds are available. Applications can be made by phoning or emailing the Church office; (321) 383-0303, or If you call after hours, leave a message with your contact information.

Q2 – How can I contribute to SIA & how much should I give?

A2 – Give as much as the Lord directs; there is a need and the need may exceed our ability to respond unless Members give; over and above their normal gift to the general fund of the Church. Checks in the form of a designated offering can be mailed to the church or deposited in the black metal box to the left of the exterior office door of the church. Please make checks payable to 'Great Outdoors Community Church' and indicate 'Samaritans In Action' in the memo line at the bottom of the check.

Q3 – What happens if I apply for SIA assistance?

A3 – You will be contacted by two members of the SIA committee and asked to provide basic information. Your needs will be evaluated and, if approved, you will be given assistance.

Q4 – Are there limits to what help the SIA will provide?

A4 – There are limits dictated by the availability of funds, needs of individuals and priorities established by the SIA committee. Additionally, assistance will not be provided for such needs as payment of taxes, penalties assessed because of law violations or negligence, business needs, etc.