Connecting People to God, and to One Another

This Sunday

January 19, 2025

10:00 AM

"The Blessed Life: God Must Be First"

Genesis 1:1; Levitius 23:10

Lead Pastor Dr. David W. Price





Livestream On Sundays
10:00 AM on
Church Website
Sermon Audio Also Available
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This Week
Thu 01/16-8:00 A Prayer (Zoom)
Thu 01/16-10:00 A Pastor's Bible Study, LS
Thu 01/16-11:00 A Pastor's Bible Study, FH
Sun 01/19-10:00 A Worship, S, LS
Sun 01/19-11:00 A Fellowship Time
Thu 01/23-8:00 A Prayer (Zoom)
Thu 01/23-10:00 A Pastor's Bible Study, LS
Thu 01/23-11:00 A Pastor's Bible Study, FH
This Week
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Ministries of the Great Outdoors Church

The Great Outdoors Community Church is especially blessed by the presence of many willing workers with God-given talents called to put those talents into service in all areas of ministry. Many have served in similar capacities for years in their home churches; others may be stepping out for the first time and gladly take on the challenge of learning new skills.

Here is a listing of some of the key ministries some with links to their own ministry web page which provides additional information:


Worship Ministry: This team includes the oversight of all the worship service activities and Christian growth programs within the congregation. The Senior and Associate Minister(s) will guide and participate in the planning of these activities. The Board Member elected by the congregation for the leadership of this Ministry will organize and/or oversee the functioning of the various committees within the Worship Ministry. The Music Ministry and Audio/Video Ministry teams are included in the Worship Ministry

Small Groups: As a means of providing new and exciting opportunities for more intimate fellowship, small groups are organize within the church to meet at times other than Sunday Morning. Prayer, study of God’s Word and related subjects, Christian growth, support for one another, and a deeper walk with the Lord are the focus of these groups. All are invited to become a part of one of the small groups.

Outreach Ministry: This team includes the oversight of activities to encourage members and non-members to reach out to others with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, promote church attendance, and supply encouragement and support to those in need. The Board Member elected by the congregation for leadership of this Ministry will organize and/or oversee volunteers for the following functions: contacting church visitors and providing them with information about the church; preparing welcome packets for new members; visiting new residents of TGO and inviting them to church; visiting sick and shut-ins and providing CDs of worship services; providing coloring packets to children at the worship service; maintaining Tract rack; and updating photo directory as needed.

Prayer Chain: A branch of the Outreach Ministry, begins with prayer requests being given to Beverly Baker @ 264-7235. She passes the requests on to the prayer chain team via e-mail. These requests are sent out bi-weekly unless there is an emergency or hospitalization that needs immediate prayer. Those who do not have a computer and would like to be on the prayer chain can notify Beverly and she will call them with the prayer requests as she receives them.

Loving Service: A branch of the Outreach Ministry. Cards are sent on behalf of the Great Outdoors Church to those who are ill,hospitalized or who just need a word of encouragement. A beautiful hardbound book entitled “Leaves of Gold” is given to those who have lost a loved one in their immediate family (i.e., a spouse, mother, father, or child).

Hospitality: This team include the oversight of the Church Kitchen and all the various functions in the Fellowship Hall involving the serving of food. These activities provide food and fellowship opportunities for members and non-members of Great Outdoors Church . The Board Member elected by the congregation for the leadership of this Ministry will organize and/or oversee the following hospitality areas as well as coordinate with leaders of WIC (Women In Church), Men’s Breakfast, and St. Christopher’s Faith Community for use of the kitchen facilities. This Team orders kitchen supplies, manages the kitchen, and is responsible for the following: Sunday morning coffee fellowships; church suppers; Christmas and Easter cantata receptions; memorial, funeral, wedding, and anniversary receptions; holiday dinners, and the annual New Member reception

Missions: This team helps the church fulfill God’s command to spread the gospel at home and abroad. It keeps the congregation informed and involved with deserving missionary outreaches—financially, in prayer, and with hands-on help if possible. Our church supports five local ministries—Child Evangelism Fellowship, North Brevard Charities; and Prison Book Project; three missionary families associated with Youth With A Mission, Cadence International, and Wycliffe Bible Translators; and four international ministries—Gideons, Samaritan’s Purse, Salvation Army, and Teen Missions. Monies are also given to other missions as need arises.

Facilities: This team oversees the maintenance of the Great Outdoors Church facilities, parsonage, and improvements as needed. We have Westminster chimes that strike the hour, play hymns at noon and on special occasions. They direct a professional crew that keeps the church meticulously clean.

Finance: This team and the Treasurer are in charge of all the finances of the church. They are responsible for counting the offerings, preparing the annual budget, and overseeing insurance for the Church and Parsonage. Accounts maintained include General Operating, Major Maintenance, Memorial Fund, Special Concerts/Suppers, Men’s Group, Retreats, and Women in the Church.

Women in the Church (WIC): “The purpose of WIC is to provide opportunities for women, as individuals or in groups, by which they may come to know more fully the teachings of Christ, and to be strengthened to fulfill His purpose in their lives by serving in the home, the church, the community, and the world.” Each year the Spiritual Life Committee selects a theme for study and programs. A booklet is published annually listing the officers and standing committees who provide the programs for WIC meetings and fundraising events for missions and the church. WIC seeks to develop warm Christian fellowship with the women in the church and the women in the community who are welcome at WIC events.

Great Outdoors Church Men’s Group: Meets the third Saturday of January, February, March, and April for breakfast and a special program. Our mission is to encourage a deeper relationship with God and one another through devotional, educational and social programs and to provide men fellowship, spiritual growth and service opportunities while growing interpersonal relationships that benefit each other Money that we earn from our fund-raisers go to benefit several local charities.