Connecting People to God, and to One Another

This Sunday

February 9, 2025

10:00 AM


The Blessed Life:

"The Parameters of Generosity"

Lead Pastor David W. Price





Livestream On Sundays
10:00 AM on
Church Website
Sermon Audio Also Available
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then Archived Worship Service
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This Week
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Women in Church (WIC)

“The purpose of WIC is to provide opportunities for women, as individuals or in groups, by which they may come to know more fully the teachings of Christ, and to be strengthened to fulfill His purpose in their lives by serving in the home, the church, the community, and the world.” Each year the Spiritual Life Committee selects a theme for study and programs. A booklet is published annually listing the officers and standing committees who provide the programs for WIC meetings and fundraising events for missions and the church. WIC seeks to develop warm Christian fellowship with the women in the church and the women in the community who are welcome at WIC events.



President - Kathie Hood
Vice President - Sally MacNevin
Secretary - Martha Dayson
Treasurer -Graciella Hale
Spiritual Life - Karen Basanta
Hospitality - Heidi Turner
Chaplin - Shirley Kump


Upcoming Events



WIC Constitution

Click on this link to display the WIC Constitution and By-Laws - Approved 12-3-2019.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

We’re meeting on the 2nd and 4th Friday at 9:00 A.M. in the Narthex.

Note: there is a Yarn Basket in the Narthex. If you would like to contribute to this ministry, you may place 3 skeins (of the same dye lot) of yarn in the basket for a shawl. We particularly like the "Homespun" brand of yarn sold at Walmart.

Anyone who knows someone who would like a prayer shawl in their time of need may take one from the closet across from the church office. For more information, please contact Rosalind Zahn at 269-7957 or the church office at 383-0303.