Connecting People to God, and to One Another

This Sunday

January 19, 2025

10:00 AM

"The Blessed Life: God Must Be First"

Genesis 1:1; Levitius 23:10

Lead Pastor Dr. David W. Price





Livestream On Sundays
10:00 AM on
Church Website
Sermon Audio Also Available
Click Resources Tab
then Archived Worship Service
Audio and Video

This Week
Thu 01/23-8:00 A Prayer (Zoom)
Thu 01/23-10:00 A Pastor's Bible Study, LS
Thu 01/23-11:00 A Pastor's Bible Study, FH
Sun 01/26-10:00 A Worship, S, LS
Sun 01/26-11:00 A Fellowship Time
This Week
Time Zone:
Location Key:










Small Groups

The BibleThe Great Outdoors Church is committed to the concept of developing small groups as a means of providing unique opportunities for new and exciting times for fellowship, study and support to fellow Christians. Several small groups are organized to meet each week on a day and time that is convenient for the members of the respective group. Some of the groups meet at the church and other meet in homes. Small groups are designed to encourage Christian growth by studying the Bible and focusing on specific topics, by providing a way to support each other and by striving to engage in a deeper walk with the Lord. Small groups are open to all and everyone is encouraged to become part of one of our existing groups or to offer to start a new group.


Although many of our small groups are "on vacation" during the late spring, summer, and early fall, several are still meeting regularly. A new schedule of small groups ramping back up in the fall will be announced in the September or October Messenger newsletter and on this page. Small groups provide a unique opportunity for the participants to engage in spiritual growth, Biblical study, Christian fellowship and in loving support of one another. God’s Word stresses the importance of meeting together for the purpose of achieving the above objectives. We, at the Great Outdoors Community Church, strongly believe in and support small groups. Please consider joining one of the groups listed. If you would like to either host or lead a new small group, then please contact the church office at 321-383-0303. Additional information on any of our existing groups can be obtained from the leader, host/hostess or by calling the church office. Our groups for this season are as follows:


Revised: May 23, 2023