Connecting People to God, and to One Another

This Sunday

September 29, 2024

10:00 AM


"Do Justice"

Micah 6:8

Dr. David W. Price

Lead Pastor


Livestream On Sundays
10:00 AM on
Church Website
Sermon Audio Also Available
Click Resources Tab
then Archived Worship Service
Audio and Video

This Week
Thu 09/26-8:00 A Prayer (Zoom)
Thu 09/26-10:00 A Pastor's Bible Study, LS
Thu 09/26-11:00 A Pastor's Bible Study, FH
Thu 09/26-6:30 P Bible Study (Zoom)
Sun 09/29-10:00 A Worship, S, LS
Sun 09/29-11:00 A Fellowship Time
This Week
Time Zone:
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Worship Ministry

TGOCC Chancel ChoirThis team includes the oversight of all the worship service activities and Christian growth programs within the congregation. The Senior and Associate Minister(s) will guide and participate in the planning of these activities. The Board Member elected by the congregation for the leadership of this Ministry will organize and/or oversee the functioning of the various committees within the Worship Ministry. The Music Ministry and Audio/Video Ministry teams are included in the Worship Ministry.


Men's Quartet - Special Music