Connecting People to God, and to One Another

This Sunday

September 29, 2024

10:00 AM


"Do Justice"

Micah 6:8

Dr. David W. Price

Lead Pastor


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Thu 09/26-8:00 A Prayer (Zoom)
Thu 09/26-10:00 A Pastor's Bible Study, LS
Thu 09/26-11:00 A Pastor's Bible Study, FH
Thu 09/26-6:30 P Bible Study (Zoom)
Sun 09/29-10:00 A Worship, S, LS
Sun 09/29-11:00 A Fellowship Time
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Child Evangelism

What is CEF?

Child Evangelism Fellowship reaching 14 million children worldwide


Child Evangelism Fellowship is a Bible-centered, worldwide ministry serving in over 185 countries.  CEF has a staff of over 2,905 and thousands of volunteers who work to share the Gospel with children.


Over 14 million children around the world heard about God’s amazing love in our ministry last year through CEF and over 4.5 million of these children indicated to their teacher that they wanted to trust in Jesus Christ as Savior.


CEF has many different types of outreach programs, but the two most recognized are 5-Day Club and Good News Club.  These two exciting ministries take place in neighborhood settings such as homes, backyards, schools and community centers all over the world.  These fast-paced, programs are designed to bring the Gospel of Christ to children on their level in their environment.


Along with the clubs, CEF also has fair, camping, and open-air outreach programs for children == as well as a Bible correspondence course called Truth Chasers Club.  We provide classes to train our workers and other Christians who are burdened for evangelizing children.  The Children’s Ministries Institute, a modular three-month course located at CEF International Headquarters in Warrenton, Missouri, is dedicated to providing quality, practical training for those called of God to take the Gospel message to children.  Similar training is offered around the world.


CEF Press produces and distributes Bible and missionary materials for use in teaching children.  Teaching materials are available to the public online at or by calling toll-free 800-748-7710.  CEF products have been translated into over 185 different languages and distributed around the world.

CEF Fellowship  POB 348 Warrenton, MO 63383-0348   800-300-4033


CEF Fellowship  POB 348 Warrenton, MO 63383-0348   800-300-4033



As we look back at the 2012-2013 year of Good News Clubs (GNC) we see a year of "moving forward".

At the end of the 2012 school year, Riverview Elementary school was closed and, therefore, our Good News Club at this school ended. However, in the Fall of 2012, a new Good News Club at Coquina Elementary school began and the volunteers that had been at Riverview did not miss a step, but began at Coquina. Clubs at South Lake and Oak Park also started back up in the Fall. The Mims Good News Club did struggle to begin, but by the end of November that Club also started. By the end of this year (March), a total of 200 children had registered to at-tend one of these Clubs.

Sharing some special memories from this past year:

One day we were sitting in a group and Donna was explaining the wordless book to the children and in the conversation she was saying that God made everything, A little girl spoke up and said "God didn't make everything, the Chinese make a lot of stuff".

What a blessing that the art teacher let us use her room after school for Good News Club. She would sit at her desk and do her after school work as we led the kids in Club. One day as we were singing songs of praise we noticed that she was joining right in with the children, what a blessing. Here we were loud and noisy, praising the Lord, and she did not get upset but joined in the singing from her desk. God is good.

Last week report cards were handed out. Several of the children came to me at the beginning of club to show them to me - even before their parents saw them. It certainly was a treat for me to be included as a part of their lives, especially trusting me with both their strengths and weaknesses.

In February we were again notified that the Brevard School Board had decided to close another school at the end of this school year. That school is South Lake Elementary, so another Good News Club will end. We ask that you continue to pray that the Lord will open doors at the remaining Elementary schools in Titusville to Clubs and open up other opportunities in the community to host Clubs.

In the training area, Titusville hosted its first "Teaching Children Effectively I" school. It was an all day school held on four Saturday’s in the fall of 2012. Five students attended and passed the course. We hope to offer this training again next fall along with some one day trainings for volunteers.

On March 22nd the Great Outdoors Community Church hosted a "Recognition" luncheon for all the GNC volunteers. During this luncheon we thanked our volunteers, learned about some other Child Evangelism Fellowship ministries, and were addressed by our State Director, Chuck Martinez.

We are looking forward to seeing what God will do to reach the children in our community. in the years ahead. Thank you to all our volunteers and to all of you that have contributed financially to this ministry. Cindy Manire - Team Leader




by Diana Green

Good News Kids

We love to hear the children sing. And they love to sing—simple meaningful songs that they will never forget. The truths that we are planting into their minds and hearts will last a lifetime.

We also love to hear the children groan! That’s right! Many times when Miss Roz or Miss Pam, the Bible teachers, or Miss Diana, the missionary story lady, or Miss Homer or Miss Maris, the song leaders say, “That’s all for now” the children groan because they don’t want them to stop. One hour for Club is just too short!

We really love to hear the Counselor’s reports. Here’s one example: “Fourteen children came for counseling today! I told them all that the counseling time is only for children who want to ask Jesus to forgive their sins. A few of them left at that time, but most of them stayed. I read them John 3:16, which it seemed none of them had ever heard before. Then I emphasized how much God loved each and every one of them and how happy He was that they wanted to know Him. Then I read only the first words “God so loved” again, after asking them to say their own name aloud when I stopped. I hinted, “Who does He love?” It was very precious to hear them one after another include their name….Seriously and sincerely, they thanked Jesus for dying for them and asked Him to take away their sins and come into their hearts.”

Best of all we love to hear the children’s priceless comments. Here are a few that were heard recently:

  • A first-grade girl said, “I know that God is my bestest friend.” She prayed a very sweet prayer in which she told God, “I hope nothing will ever come between us.”
  • A fourth-grade boy remarked, “I prayed before but not with all my heart. This time, I meant it with all my heart.”
  • A first-grade boy said, “I love God the mostest!”
  • The children industriously wrote down their prayer requests:
  • One girl prayed "God, can you protect me? Thanks."
  • Another asked, “Please help my gerbil get well.”
  • Another child wrote "You are cool."
  • A boy wrote "Whoever needs help out there needs God,"
  • A fourth-grade girl exclaimed to her group helper, Miss Laurelle, “This [Good News Club] is the best time of the whole week!”

Praise God for the children’s response to Him, and pray for their continued growth. Also, ask the Lord to raise up more helpers. We are grateful that a new school has expressed great interest in having a Good News Club, but we have no workers for it. Ask Him if you should be one of them. Currently we have four Clubs:

  • South Lake Elementary with 20-25 children
  • Mims Elementary with 41 children
  • Oak Park Elementary with 81 children
  • Riverview Elementary with 27 children

If the Lord says yes, contact Cindy Manire at 385-1130 for more information.





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