Connecting People to God, and to One Another

This Sunday

September 22, 2024

10:00 AM


"The Day God Sued His People"

Micah 6:1-3

Lead Pastor Dr. David W. Price


Livestream On Sundays
10:00 AM on
Church Website
Sermon Audio Also Available
Click Resources Tab
then Archived Worship Service
Audio and Video

This Week
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Archived Worship Service Videos and Sermon Audio

The Great Outdoors Community Church archives up to two years of our livestreamed Sunday Worship Services. We also extract the audio of each Sunday's sermon and make it available as an mp3 file for either listening to or downloading on your computer or favorite mp3 player.

Videos of livestreamed Worship Services before the current or immediate prior year may also be found on one of our three livestreaming provider websites:
